It's Week 18 of the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge. The prompt for this week is ‘Social'.
One thing that has always amazed me when reading old newspapers is what was considered newsworthy. Not just engagements and weddings, but showers and house warmings. Not just births, but also christenings and parties afterwards. Here is an example from a 1934 newspaper.

I'm not only surprised by the fact that these events are considered newswothry by the entire community. I'm also surprised by the amount of detail included. As in this article, often everyone in attendance is listed, along with the place of residence. It isn't unusual to see a listing of who traveled furthest to get to a family reunion. In shower announcements, the food served and the decorations are reported in detail. Wedding announce not only give detailed descriptions of the bride's outfit, but also the attendants.
Look at the detail in this one wedding announcement. The outfits, the flowers the decorations, and the names of the guests. This was the 1950s version of Facebook!
The detail is amazing isn't it? I never get over it. We are so lucky to have these recorders/reporters from yesteryear.